Recycling in Pound Ridge

One of our greatest resources in Pound Ridge is our Town’s Recycling Center at the Highway Department on Stone Hill Rd. Since 2008, the Town has been making a great effort to give residents the ability to recycle all of the regular stuff like plastics, glass and paper, as well as those difficult-to-recycle items too.

What regular Recyclables can I drop off?

You can always bring clean plastics #1 through #7, all clean glass of any color, bundled newspaper, glossy paper and corrugated cardboard, and clean metal cans used for food, beverages or laundry detergent.

What Difficult-to-Recycle Items can I drop off?

You can drop off swing sets, lawn mowers, weed whackers, bicycles, tools, fencing, and miscellaneous hardware (nuts, bolts, hangers). Large appliances such as washers, dryers, stoves, freezers, refrigerators and air conditioners, as long as freon has been removed.

You can also drop off e-waste items including computers, printers/copiers, cell phones, cameras, VCR and DVD players, keyboards, electrical appliances, televisions and monitors, and small appliances (toasters, vacuums, etc.). CRT Computer monitors, televisions, wood console televisions, LCD computer monitors, and LCD televisions. Some of these items require you to purchase a permit to recycle them at the Town’s Recycling Center.

In addition, they also take household dumpster items such as wood furniture, rugs, and cushions.

As you can see, the Town’s Recycling Center has got you covered on most items you may need to get rid of, so always remember to recycle these items and not throw them in the trash with your private carter!

The Recycling Center is also home to a food scrap collection through the Community Compost program and Bill’s Take It or Leave It (TIOLI) Spot too, where you can give items or take items for free. Learn more about Community Compost and Bill’s TIOLI Spot.

The Recycling Center is easy to access off of Stone Hill Road whether you’re dropping of compost, recycling items, or a full carload, you can pull right up. And best of all, the facilities are clean, odor-free, neat and tidy, and run by friendly and helpful staff.

The Town’s Recycling Center is open for extended hours on Saturdays until 3PM.

To get all the information you need, visit the Town’s Recycling Center page.

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